Real Estate Investment Solutions You Can Trust in Singapore

If you have come to our ultimate guide on how to invest in real estate, it means that you have questions about the best investment strategies, or that you are looking for suggestions. We talk about the best investment strategies in this article on real estate investments, which we invite you to read right away.

Tips for Real Estate Invest Solutions:

Here, we present to you a few rules that are made with your best interests at heart. These are very easy rules to follow, some of which you may already know. Other rules may be a little different from the advice and chatter that you share at family lunches or holidays and may seem less obvious.

But think about it: talking when you invest a few hundred thousand dollars is easy. Figuring out what’s really in your best interest is more difficult, as everyone is in a different situation. Follow our rules if you think they are right for you. These are rules that apply to those who want to invest in real estate, but you can also use them for different types of investments.

Don’t Waste Time on Sellers Who Are Not Serious

Time is money, and in the real estate market, good deals can vanish in the blink of an eye. Forget those who aren’t serious about selling and focus on those who really want to close the deal.

But how do you know when an owner wants to get rid of his property? It’s easy: whoever sells at high prices, goes back and forth on the price, and doesn’t accept any offers is a person who has time to waste. Otherwise, he does not need to sell, and therefore is not willing to reduce his price even by a little. This type of seller should be avoided, because it only wastes your time.

Whoever is really willing to sell puts his property on the market at a reasonable price, responds immediately to all the purchase proposals he receives, and is not offended if he is asked to lower the price by a little.

Investing in Real Estate Means Saving

Investing in real estate can mean buying an apartment at a lower price, then reselling it at a higher price. But everyone knows that for most real estate markets in Singapore, properties tend to lose value over time because it has a time limit (99 years typically).This being said, if you buy a property that is cheap, you can have a high profit margin.

To follow this rule, it is important to understand when a property is not very liquid, and when it is very liquid. An apartment in need of renovation, perhaps without a lift, is and remains a very illiquid property. You may even need to invest at least twenty thousand dollars to refurbish it.

On the other hand, an apartment bought cheaply and renovated can increase in value very quickly over time. If you buy this type of apartment in Singapore, you will tend to make money.

Investing in Real Estate Means Doing Business

Buying a car or a watch is different from buying a house. You don’t fall in love with a car, or a Rolex. But the house has an emotional value. Even if one only intends to invest in real estate, visitors in an apartment often wonder what it would be like to live there. This attitude is generally discouraged, because it makes you lose objectivity and sense in the deal.

Check out Real Vantage at for more real estate investment deals, blogs and investment information, and start investing in your portfolio today!